Monday, September 30, 2019

Cultural diversity in professional comm Essay

While America fought World War II in Europe, riots broke out in the streets of Los Angeles targeting young Latinos. They strived for the same freedom enjoyed by whites, but were treated as poorly as African Americans of the era. In effect, they tried to disassociate themselves from this faction. Young Latino men referred to themselves as pachucos and sported oversize suits known as zoot suits. In the film Zoot Suit Riots, Joseph Tovares remarkably portrayed the difficult lives of Mexican Americans in the 1940s. Zoot Suit Riots is a powerful film that explores the complicated racial tensions, as well as the changing social and political scene leading up to the riots in the streets of Los Angeles in the summer of 1943. White Americans, police and service men targeted Latinos with their racist attitudes. Tovares argues that these Mexican American adolescents were victims, but they also stood up for themselves and fought back to gain the respect they felt they deserved. This generation of Americanized Latino children wanted to be recognized as American on their own terms. To distinguish themselves from their parents’ generation, they became zoot suitors, but learned that was not enough as racism was a widespread phenomenon across America. Tovares accurately portrays the lives of Mexican Americans victimized by highlighting the Sleepy Lagoon Case. To white Americans in Los Angeles, the murder was proof that Mexican American crime was spiraling out of control. Tovares, however, uses this as evidence to support that they were mistreated because the Mexican American suspects taken into custody all wore zoot suits. This reinforced the opinion white Americans had of Mexican Americans and their apprehension of men in zoot suits. He also interviewed both Mexican Americans and White Americans who lived during this event, even some participants in the riots. His use of oral history throughout the film is captivating as you hear the voice and emotional reaction of a person who actually experienced these riots. Tovares interviews Hank Leyyas sister, an important defendant in the case, who lived through the crime, the trail, the city, everything. She remembers it all and how much it affected her brother’s life. Her emotions when describing the riots helps the viewer understand how people were affected. Sailors of the time admitted in their interviews to attacking Mexican Americans and Mexican Americans admitted to reciprocating the behavior. Tovares’ film reflects on the racist abuse Mexican Americans received not only from White American citizens, but also from authority figures. Edward Escobar’s historical article, Zoot-Suiters and Cops, supports Tovares’ argument that zoot suitors were seen as dangers to society and this brought upon the attacks on them, but Escobar focuses more on the police aspect of the riots. Escobar argues, â€Å"Police, along with local civic leaders, believed that Mexican American youth, especially young males, were inclined toward violent crime. This belief merged with police officers’ frustration over their inability to crack down on the alleged lawbreakers and led to their allowing servicemen to beat and humiliate the zoot-suiters† (Escobar, 1996). Tovares agrees that police were problematic, but focuses more on the Sleepy Lagoon Case involving Mexican and White Americans who participated or lived during the riots. Escobar states that the LAPD consistently arrested Mexican Americans at a higher rate than the general population. During the war these numbers increased, especially arresting young Mexican Americans. However, Escobar argues that police officials misinterpreted their own statistics. Reported crime actually fell during 1942 and 1943, the years of the alleged crime wave. These â€Å"increases in arrests resulted more from changes in the law and in police practices than from changes in Mexican American behavior. Specifically, new immigration and draft laws for adults and curfew ordinances for juveniles, created new classes of laws that Mexican Americans violated, increasing the arrest statistics† (Escobar, 1996). The LAPD also employed selective enforcement in barrios than in white sections like the curfew ordinance as an example. This evidence strongly supports Escobar’s argument that the LAPD was more inclined towards the harsh treatment of Mexican Americans. Escobar focuses more on this than Tovares did throughout the film. While Tovares and Escobar both focus on the discrimination zoot suiters felt, Thomas Guglielmo shifts his focus to Mexican American racism was not only in Los Angeles but also in Texas in his historical article, Fighting for Caucasian Rights. Guglielmo argues that Mexican Americans who were born in the United States showed that they only cared about the United States but needed to be looked at again. They seemed active, focusing on being American, distant from Mexico but really these Mexican American’s due to the Good Neighbor policy still identified themselves with Mexico. Compared to Tovares, Guglielmo looks at American battles in Texas and legislative matter compared to the Los Angeles zoot suit riots. Guglielmo goes against Tovares perspective and says that there is more to Mexican American racism outside of Los Angeles. During the war more people of Mexican descent lived in Texas than any other state. These Mexican Americans that lived here are fighting for equality through legislation unlike the Mexican American’s in Los Angeles who are fighting for the same but by rebelling out through wearing zoot suits and adapting to that way of life. Both Toraves and Escobar perspective is on zoot suiters and police interaction where as Guglielmo focuses more on just Mexican Americans in Texas. Guglielmo argument is not as convincing to me because he focuses too much on legislation and Mexico compared to Toraves and Escobar focus on the discrimination Mexican Americans faced during the war that resulted in the riots. Toraves, Escobar and Guglielmo all highlight the struggle Mexican American’s faced fighting for equality, just presented it in different ways. Tovares strongly emphasized why the Mexican Americans wanted to break free. They were tired of being told what to do, where to go, what to wear. They created an image for themselves that separated them from everyone else. Escobar stated that the zoot suit phenomenon resulted primarily from the racism, discrimination, and extreme poverty that people of Mexican descent faced in the United States (Escobar, 1996). It did not necessarily give Mexican American’s more rights and equality’s that they fought for indirectly but brought national attention to their race that they needed to bring attention to fight for themselves. CITATION: Esobar. Zoot-suiters and Cops: Chicano Youth and the Los Angeles Police Department during World War II. 284-303. 1996 Guglielmo. Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans and the transnational struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas. 1212-1237. 2006 Tovares, Joseph, dir. Zoot Suit Riots. 2002. PBS Home Video. DVD-ROM.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Lost Puppy

The Great Impact of War Modern warfare has changed a great deal since we fought for our freedom from Great Britain in the late 18th century, and has possibly even changed more since World War 1. Countless Battles have been fought throughout our gracious history here in American, and many stories have been told from older to younger generations. This is where â€Å"Ogichidag†, meaning warrior, tells its story. Soldiers from notable wars throughout history have vivid and very detailed accounts of what they saw while they were at war.Many of these decorated warriors tell of their stories to younger generations, and in this case it is a family tradition for many of the men to join the armed forces. As they go off to war they must deal with the aftermath of all they accumulated while there, and find a way to deal with this bitterness. For many people listening to their elder’s stories, and hearing the many accolades they’ve accumulated is a great privilege. In â€Å" Ogichidag† this person hears stories all the way back to World War 1.He vividly listens as, â€Å" the old men told stories of getting gassed in the trenches, WW one† (Lines 2-3). As he listens to these stories of great harm he feels more intrigued with every word. He indulges in the thought of one day having the same stories to tell his son or daughter. He knows to well that going and serving his country is more than putting on a vest and running around in the desert. He thinks of it as an honorable accomplishment within himself.As it later goes on to describe his cousins as he, â€Å"felt the fear in their voices† (9) he knows his time to serve his beloved country is right around the corner. Entering most arguable the hardest branch in the military, the marines, is also another feat that will show just how mentally and physically ready he is. Joining the marines right before the Cuban Missile Crisis, he was at the most intense part of the Cold War. At the blink of an eye, America could be engaged in nuclear warfare.For those thirteen days soldiers were ready for anything, and while no shots were fired it helped him prepare for the only war American has ever lost. 58,148 people died in the war we know as Vietnam. Watching comrades die in front of one’s eyes played a major influence on how these veterans lived out the rest of their lives. As what seems to be a family tradition for this family to serve in the military, he knew from all the stories he had heard over the years that war was no easy task. For the lives he saw lost at war, telling these stories would be rather problematical.As â€Å"Ogichidag† describes each war since the early 1900’s, each warrior it portrays the hardships that come with war. Though speaking of such excruciating memories, they find it important to pass down stories so their family legacy never dies. With the ears of the prospering young ogichidag’s are filled, they have a sense of exc itement going to war. While their eager to serve this great nation they know in the back of their heads the aftermath of war is very powerful, and they must deal with this wretchedness.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussing a New Coffee Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Discussing a New Coffee Branding - Essay Example The activity is sure to attract consumers, as it provides on-the-spot testing of taste and quality of the product. The consumers will be invited to have mugs of fresh coffee made with that brand, and then, their remarks will be taken by asking them to note down their comments on a special notebook. The team leader will continuously be introducing the new brand to people through a microphone. I would also recommend creating suspense starting some days before the launch of the product. I suggest placing banners and some guessing game ideas written on billboards right at the spot where the product is to be launched. This way, the consumers will remain curious about what is going to happen or what is going to come into the market and into their hands. This will create such a buzz that nobody will want to miss the product and the event in which the product is to be launched. I suggest releasing bits and pieces of details every day to give the boost to the suspense. This will surely drive people crazy about the product and the launch event. I suggest giving people free access to some of the features of the new brand. I recommend that sachets must be prepared for the new brand of coffee, with eye-catching wrappers, and they must be distributed in the launch event. Nothing amuses and attracts consumers more than something being given free about the new product. Those who will not taste the coffee on-spot will take sachets and try them at their homes. This will be very interesting for them and will assure them that there is something good for the product that the company is giving the people a free chance to try it.

Mid term constitutional law 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mid term constitutional law 3 - Essay Example There are two varied views on the right for a person to hold and carry weapons, those who agree with this right and those against it (Bogus, 2000). Those for this view argue that individuals need guns for their self protection within the confines of their residences and that so long as they keep these weapons dismantled and not functioning, there is no cause for alarm. Others who love hunting as a sport argue that they need their guns for this purpose reasoning that as long as they are doing it strictly on their property there is no danger posed by the usage of their weapons. Consequently, both these groups of people in favor of this right maintain that owning a weapon is their fundamental freedom right (Halbrook, 1989). On the other hand, those against this view argue that the Second Amendment has no control on criminals and the mentally challenged possessing weapons; neither does it help deter people carrying weapons while entering institutions and buildings or moving around freely with a firearm. They also maintain that Second Amendment fails to provide provisions that govern weapons being sold. For instance, person may acquire an unlicensed weapon illegally and use it to commit a crime then use the second amendment right as defense alleging that his rights were infringed upon by quoting the Bill of Rights (Halbrook, 1989). The stance I find convincing is the one that is against the possession of weapons despite the reasons for ownership. For one, this is extremely dangerous especially if the weapon is kept at home, and minors have access to it (Bogus, 2000). Then there is the probability of it going off unexpectedly and injuring an innocent person. There have been several cases in learning institutions where innocent students and teachers have been killed or injured by a student carrying a weapon to school (Halbrook, 1989). Further still, there are no clear provisions that govern the weapons being sold. I believe that rights should also have some

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Modernity - Essay Example These aspects are either descriptive or analytical based on social, political, or economic aspects that characterize modernity. A political approach of defining modernity is quite analytical. It states that the earliest stages of modernity began with the Niccolo Machiavelli’s works, which seemed to favor the free republics over monarchies. The modernization initiated at this time continues to grow with liberalism and democracy being quite characteristic in today’s political view. On the other hand, the changes in the social discourse, processes, and conditions take a descriptive approach. In this case, modernity is described in accordance to the descriptions of people’s social aspects. The philosophical view also takes the same descriptive dimension as the social approach. In this regard, it is described as the period where the realization that it is impossible to achieve certainty came up. On the same frequency, modernity achieves a descriptive approach as the a ge in which ideologies were developed. The descriptive aspect of modernity supersedes the analytical. This is because across generations what predominates is the evidence of what has taken place. Therefore, when this is described, it supports the evidence of the transition that is characterized by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Security Strengths and Weaknesses of the Internet Essay

Security Strengths and Weaknesses of the Internet - Essay Example â€Å"A basic knowledge of internet security is essential for anyone who uses the web for tasks such as email, networking and shopping† (Paul). Internet security has become one of the main concerns for every individual connected to the internet for any purpose. It is because there are a number of hackers present on the internet continuously trying to break into other computers in order to steal important data or to destroy the important data. Hacking has become so common in today’s world that almost every person who uses internet is a target of hackers. â€Å"Hacking is the process in which a system is tested before it goes into the market for direct use by the customers† (Douglas). Any individual, whether using internet for communication purposes or for information sharing, needs to ensure premium level internet security because hackers not only try to break into such computers which contain highly critical information but also they try to gain control of such c omputers which although do not contain any important information but can be used to hack other computers. There are many security measures, which an individual can take to reduce the chances of internet attacks. â€Å"Internet security fundamentals are designed to protect individual Internet users from security risks which accompany use of the Internet† (Smith). Some of the easiest and most effective security measures include regularly changing the login passwords, setting difficult passwords, downloading a personal firewall.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The podiatrist has a legal obligation and duty of care to ensure that Essay

The podiatrist has a legal obligation and duty of care to ensure that practice protocols adequately protect themselves and service users from the risk of infection. discuss this statement - Essay Example Globally, infection control is a changing area in medicine and medicinal practices. This is given the advancement in technology, the regulatory changes, and even microbial evolution (Simmers 2004, p. 67). This paper will try and examine some of the guidelines that reflect some of the best practices involved in preventing infection and cross-infection, and how these practices may set the target for infection control in podiatry. In order for the podiatric practice and practitioners to ensure safety among all service users and staff, it is vital for all the involved parties to have infection control principles that guide their everyday operations. These include work practices that have been adopted to achieve a specific level of infection control, which apply to the service users and staff. This is regardless of their perceived level of risk. By ensuring that standard precautions are properly conducted, it should be easier to ensure that all infections and their transmission can be prevented. Some of the standard precautions in the podiatric practice involve; proper hygiene practices, correct aseptic techniques, use of appropriate personal protective equipment, apposite protocols of waste disposal, and proper practices for cleaning and maintenance of the podiatric health center (Simmers 2004, p. 73). In any medical practice, hand washing may be the most crucial and important measure of infection reduction or minimization. The washing of hands must be done by the podiatrist and staff before and after the handling of any patient, or any activity that might increase the chances of risk infection. All hand washing amenities must be present in all consultation areas and these may include; hand basins and apt products that may not affect the outcome of the next patient consultation or meet (Kane, Schiefman & Vickers 1992, p. 37). The technique involved in hand washing also matters significantly, which involves; the duration and the quantity and type of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pedagogical Strategy Using the Harry Potter Books Research Paper

Pedagogical Strategy Using the Harry Potter Books - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that making the curriculum conducive for inculcating the interest in the students of elementary age has always come as a big challenge to the educationalists. â€Å"Culturally responsive teaching implies using cooperative learning methods and strategies to discover the student's worlds and incorporate them into the world of the classroom†. The interest a child takes in his/her studies in the elementary age plays a decisive role in his/her current and future academic performance, and his/her professional career in the long run. On the other hand, children are least sincere about their studies in the elementary school because they are too little, or perhaps more rightly, too immature to conceive the importance of education in their life. In order to generate a competent workforce to serve in the market and industry in the future, measures need to be taken today, to raise children’s interest in their studies wh en they are in the very early years of their academic career. One way to achieve this is by making the elementary education compliant with the standards, norms, and culture of Hogwarts School as portrayed in the Harry Potter series. â€Å"When inculcated in the fundamental educational system, educational and other standards of Hogwarts School will raise children’s interest in all of their subjects and school in general, and English literature in particular.† Children studying in one educational level like 1st grade or 2nd grade are distributed between sections of the same class as per the seniority of registration or any other criteria. Unfortunately, the conventional sorting processes are unwatchful of a child’s association with his/her friends of his/her own age, and the friends get distributed in separate sections. This happens to be one of the reasons why children lose interest in studies.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Individualism as an American Culture Essay Example for Free

Individualism as an American Culture Essay Question: How do the examples involving the child who has fallen, the way food is served and eaten, and the newspaper route provide the author with significant insights into American cultural value? Do you agree with her interpretations? Poranee like many other immigrants are faced with various changes/challenges when they leave their homeland to start a new life in another country. Some of these changes are obvious, while others are not so blatant. Poranee first realized these changes with the simple question â€Å"how are you?† While somethings are consider normal and acceptable in one country, it may be consider rude or inappropriate in another. Poranee was raised in culture that emphasis service and togetherness, which is why she felt comfortable enough to help the fallen child. Without being told, she wouldnt have known that letting the child get up himself will teach him to be independent from an early age. Just like the fallen child, eating off someone else plate or reaching across the table isnt consider inappropriate since the Thais focuses more on forming a community than individualism. The American way of eating is consider inappropriate to the Thais because it is seen as selfish and inconsiderate to have so much food on your plate. I agree with the author on her interpretation of the examples except for the example about the newspaper route. I dont think that the couple who own the BMW’s were materialistic because they were well off but still made their children work. I think that by making their son sell newspapers and their daughter babysit, they were teaching them the value of hard work Working teaches them that just because their parents have money, doesnt mean they can sit around and do nothing.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sexuality and development Essay Example for Free

Sexuality and development Essay I am going to do an interview on a LGBT community member and disuses how sexuality effects their development. During the interview I will be asking three main questions to the member of the LGBT community. First question is going to be the LGBT member’s self-identify, and then I will ask about the society’s perception of their community and last will be asking the impact of same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community. Those three main areas will complete my interview with the LGBT member. The LGBT member self-identity is a women named Heidi Young who I interviewed for this paper. Heidi is thirty three years old and has been a lesbian her whole life. Heidi says she can remember back even as far as grade school when she remembers she was fascinated in a special way by a particular girl in her class. Heidi says her thoughts were not particularity sexual she was only eleven years old at the time. Heidi can say that she also remembers having thoughts about this girl and weather not if she thought she was cute. Heidi says she remembers when she would look at that girl that she did fell some kid of pleasure by doing so. Heidi said her self-identity was recognized at an early age of knowing she was a lesbian but did not know how to describe or even tell others about herself identity. She also didn’t know how people would feel about her self- identity .It was the seventh grade when Heidi knew that she was not emotional and never had any sexual thoughts about or with any boy’s only girls she had feeling for and strong ones at that and this is when she knew her true identity of being a lesbian. Heidi said about the age of fifteen she did the hardest part of telling her family and close friends about her identity of being a lesbian and there was no doubt in her mind that she was wrong about how she was. Heidi did not know  how her family and friends were going to take it but she said she had prepared herself for the worst. After she had told her family and her close friends she was very surprised she said on how everyone took it and how they still expected her for her and they did not care about her self- identity and which sexual preference she has chosen to be. Heidi said after telling her family and friends about her identity of being a lesbian and for them to be understanding and not judging her has made her completely comfortable about her self –identity of being a lesbian it was a Hugh weight lifted off of her shoulders now that they knew. The second question I asked during the interview with Heidi was how has society’s perception have on their community? Heidi’s answer was this it is not taken as well as it did when she told her family and friends. There are places that she goes that she says she ends up feeling wired and she will end up leaving the place cause of others that are either treating her different or looking at her different. Then there are place where she completely feels at home and feels like she is accepted for whom she is and nothing less. Heidi said not everyone is ok with the LGBT community but it has become to be more expected and more open with others in the community to where she is becoming not afraid and has started being herself in public or anywhere she goes. She did say though even when she is out with her partner and there are little kids around she does not hug up or kiss up on her partner cause she is not trying to give them the wrong impression of things she said if they are like her they will find their own self-identity out sooner or later in life just like she did. Heidi said for the most part their community has their own spot where they hang out or even having jobs where they work of their same community from those who are straight and do not believe in what they are or what they are doing. The third question during the interview I brought up to Heidi was what she thought about the impact same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community? Heidi really said she did not know how to answer this question but she will do the best she can. Legalizing gay marriage will help to establish a social norm that includes and respects homosexual lifestyles. Couples as well as individuals in the LGBT community will seem less different from  heterosexual lifestyle, so straight couples and individuals will be more inclined to accept homosexual couples into their communities. Gay marriage will have no impact whatsoever on heterosexual communities, just as racial integration in the 60s had no negative impact on White (the majority) communities. It simply overturned an ugly, immoral attitude that upheld segregation. The same goes for legalizing gay marriage; it will grant the LGBT community a right that has been immorally denied to them. Heidi says her way of thinking about the whole things is this† I think that everybody should just marry who they want. Marriage is about love not whether it is a sin or not. People who are straight shouldnt care; it doesnt affect them in any type of way.† Heidi has said she is glad that they have finally made same sex marriages legal in the states. It will be nice if she ever gets to that point in her life and wants to get married she will now be able to do it in her own state and not have to go somewhere else to get married. As I was getting ready to end the interview with Heidi she said one last thing she wanted to throw in she wanted to say that she is very comfortable and happy with whom she is and no one can ever take her from that. She believe that in time this will be history and there will be no issues with the LGBT community and that their community will be looked at just the same has the straight people community. This completes my interview with Heidi Young who is a part of the LGBT community. In this interview I have talked about Heidi’s self-identity to the LGBT community, I have covered the society’s perception of their community and also the impact same-sex marriage has had on the LGBT community. As this has been a very interesting interview that I have done personally it has been a experiences in my life to set down and for a LGBT member to be able to feel comfortable to talk to me about a few things has been an awesome thing and really has changed my outlook on the LGBT community and have become more understanding of it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Technology on the Fashion Industry

Impact of Technology on the Fashion Industry Background of clothing industry : Textile and clothing manufacturing businesses are one of the most traditional and oldest industries in United Kingdom. The clothing industry dates back to 4000 BC when these textiles were used for decorative beauty as well as to preserve and the balance body heat and the outside environment including protection from injuries.(Niwa,2002). Although this was the original function and purpose, they would also aspire to have fabrics portraying a beautiful appearance forming decorative beauty too. The industry has grown greatly over time, and has since blossomed into an area where supply and demand is high, not just for functional purposes, but for decorative purposes too. With technologies growing too, and demand in the retail area, the clothing industry is booming. Clothing manufacture is a an assembly oriented activity with a great range of raw materials, product type, production volumes, supply chain, retail market and associated technologies. (carr lathams, p1) This clothing industry will continue to play crucial role in the economy from manufacturing, to retail as long as marketing still does its job. Introduction The aim of this paper is to research and evaluate the clothing technology and its use in the fashion market. This will cover the quality of fabric and garment; discussing the importance of stitch, machinery and fibres, the creation of the garment, CAD and human measurement. Fashion marketing is a profession with diverse activities that indentify consumers needs, develop good products, price, distribute and promote them effectively(Stone,1990, p5). In order to be successful within this field it is important to have good knowledge of the product, which includes understanding the quality of the product and also being aware of the manufacturing process involved in clothing production. As a fashion marketer is it is important to understand the age group, the product is being catered for and also be aware of the current trend and design within the clothing industry to be able to communicate with the consumer. Not only to make the consumer aware of it but to be able to encourage them to buy it. Clothing manufacturers and retailers have established principles for quality, fit, and the performance of the product. These standards are used to guide the product development, selection of material, production method, and finishing techniques. According to the fashion theory, consumers quickly become bored of whatever is commonly accepted, thus they constantly seek of new and different variation of products and activities (Ruth E. Glock et al, p5), this demand requires a rapid change in fashion. The fashion changes involve the colour, styling, fabrication, silhouette and the performance of the garment that relates to the fashion trend, this change takes place depending on the demand of their targeted market and on the season, collection is produced for. Todays consumers have high expectations of the entire product they purchase, especially fashion items they pay expensive prices for. They demand their garments to be constructed of high quality fabric, having a durable performance and having a perfect fit. The quality of a garment is determined by the features of each of its components including details of the fabric, stitch, fitting and to the very last finishing detail. To the consumers eye, quality is very important in the external appearance of the garment. When consumers find the product performance to be poor, it is often the result of the manufacturer using lower-quality materials or a lack of quality workmanship (Claxton and Ritchie 1979). Quality standard overall reflects the essential quality of the firm seeks to achieve within their product.( Ruth E. Glock et al, p101) the quality of the garment is not measured through its mechanical performance e.g the feel of the drape and fit of the garment, but it is also defined through its positive and negative properties that can properly define settle over garment e.g the appearance of the fabric on the garment. There are several factors which determine the overall quality of apparel, including fabric selection and the manufacturers methods of construction, which includes stitches and seam finishes, buttonhole construction, use of interfacing, and matching of seams (Rogers and Lutz,1990). These elements do not only affect the appearance of the garment but also retains the shape. High street garments are expected to be high quality: however this is not always the case. Each fabric has its own quality that contains its own features depending on the fibre used to construct the fabric. Some fibres are absorbent, some are resilient, and some are less durable. Every fibre has its negative and positive quality and to improve this, it is recommended to test the quality before sending the garment to the retail. The recent technology use has made the fabric more durable and comfortable than ever before. The quality of the fabric is built up depending on the type of yarn being used and production of the yarn. There are various different type of yarns used to make the garment durable for a certain market and season. Majorie A Taylor,1990 (3rd Ed) have stated that introducing of new yarn fibres type has become quite expensive, therefore it can only be introduced if there is an advantage in the performance or cost the cost of the fibres type have raised due to the production method used to create these yarns. Fibres, Yarns, Threads are the basic requirement of any textile apparel or related industry. These are selected according to the product being manufactured. Fabrics used frequently in the industry are wool, silk, cotton and linen, these are commonly used in the industry due to the fine texture, stronger, aesthetic and durable purposes. These fibres are also occasionally blended with other man-made fibres to create strength in the garment. Chapter 1 Fabrics: like wool, mohair, cashmere, angora, camel hair, and llama are acknowledged to have a special properties such as warmth, smoothness, softness and lustre are mainly used in winter collection. (Leeder et al..(1998).They cost a lot, however are in high demand by the consumers over winters due to the absorbent, contributing to their comfort characteristic in cold, damp weather. Wool is preferred for tailored garments in the apparel industry as it is easily cut and sewn; however it does require some moulding or blending with other fibres during the construction to generate strength in the garment. Wool is usually tightly woven or finished, which stops the fabric from ravelling. The disadvantage of the wool is that, it can often cause pilling on the garment, after being worn several times. Another disadvantage in wool fabric is that once its transformed into felt, it cans occasionally cause some problem during washing and wearing example Heat, moisture and agitation can cause the wool fibres to shrink and mat together. Therefore for a consumer it is important to follow the instructions on the label. Various different articles and books do recommend dry-cleaning Wool, rather than washing it as it can cause shrinkage. (Stamper, Anita A, 1991) Silk is another luxury fibre used in designers fashion and is more expensive ready-to-wear. This fabric is mostly used for summer collection because its light weight fabric, it keeps you cool, it has crease recovery and the colours fasten very well on this fabric. The main purpose of this fabric is to be aesthetic; the fabric has been regarded as excellent materials for its softness, elegance, lust, resilience and drape. (Chollakup .R, 2004) The fabric itself is so unique and delicate, that it requires careful handling while washing and sewing, as it can cause slippage and the fabric can tear apart. It is suggested to dry clean rather than laundering. However it has also been mentioned to steam press the fabric before using it. This is because most of the fabrics tend to shrink after being in a press and it does help to release the crease and makes the fabric smooth and flat. In previous decades silk could not be duplicated in the industry; however in 1891 an English scientist C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan succeeded in discovering a man-made silk look like fibre known as viscous. This was cheaper in cost, contained strength, durability , however the fibres are weak enough cause slippage and tear in the garment. Viscose is a soft material commonly used in shirt, coats, jackets, and other outer wear. Viscose is a viscous organic liquid used to make rayon and cellophane. Cellulose from wood or cotton fibers is treated with sodium hydroxide, then mixed with carbon disulfide to form cellulose xanthate. which is dissolved in more sodium hydroxide. The resulting viscose is extruded into an acid bath either through a slit to make cellophane, or through a spinneret to make rayon. The acid converts the viscose back into cellulose. They replaced silk with man-man fibres like viscous rayon or acetate to save the cost. Viscous rayon can still be found in apparel products such as stockings, lingerie and ribbons. Cotton is another fibre being used in clothing industry for decades. This is produced on a bush which is widely grown in sub-tropical region throughout the world, lying roughly between the parallel of latitude of 35C North and South of the Equator. (Miller,Ed 1, 1992). The price is of the cotton has increase in last few years however it still remains fairly competitive to synthetic fabric. Cotton is the favourite fabric used in industry for baby clothing, mens brief, summer and winter clothes for all age group, this is due to its absorbent and comfort. It is easily cut and sewn and constructed into a garment. Yarns: These fabrics are made out of yarns that are divided into two major types, based on the length of fibre used in the manufacture. Spun yarns are mostly made out of short hair staple fibre which contains of natural appearance then filament fibres. The qualities in the spun yarn are: they are more absorbent, porous and comfortable. It ravels and shifts less, puckers less while when stitched, presses flat and shows less construction error. Due to all these qualities in the natural fibre, spun yarn is expensive and is in high demand in the industry. Filament is a man-made mechanically produced yarn; it can be subdivided in to two types, smooth and textured. The smooth filament yarn is selected for their smooth and shiny appearance and their ability to be packed tightly together for air and water resistance. The problems with filament fibres are: that the stitch on the garment has more chances to unravel and cause slippage due to the weak method used to construct these yarns. However as they fibres contain long hair it takes less time to produce this, just like spun yarn does. Filament yarns can also be transformed to make it look like natural fibre by trimming the fibres length. (Miller. E, 1992 p73) Once the yarns are selected, it is than combined together to produce a fabric. Most textiles are produced by twisting fibres into yarns and then knitting or weaving the yarns into a fabric. Woven fabric is made out of two yarns. The length wise set is called warp and the crosswise is called weft. Unless its manufactured with stretch-texture or elasticized, it has very little stretch on its own. This process can usually be found in winter coats preventing the air and water. It is essential for a fashion marketer to be aware of the procedure used to construct Thread, stitches, seams, interlining: These yarns are also used to construct threads, which are used to stitch pieces of fabric together to construct garments. Threads are selected matching the style, design and colour of the garment. These threads are used on the industrial machines, to create an appearance, durability, strength and elasticity on the garment. Stitches and seams are measured to have major effect on the quality of the garments. Stitches are used to convert a two-dimensional fabric to a three-dimensional garment form. This requires a number of operations which affects the drape of the fabric formed into a garment. (kashual Rah Sharma and B.K. Behera, 2004, p75) effect of sewing and fusing. Wrong selection of threads and stitches can occasionally cause seam pucker in the garment, which than leads to costumers complain. Therefore in order to meet customers satisfactory, it is important for the fashion marketer to be aware of the process used in stitching and seam to construct a garment. There are 6 different type of stitches used in the industry to construct garment. Each stitch is classified into a Class which is designed and identifies by the first digit of a three-digit numeral (R. M Laing, 1998). Stitch formation is the actual process by which threads are interlaced in or around a material resulting in a stitch. It can be formed on a without a material, inside the material, without it and upon it. When a stitch is used with a defined geometry of material layer positioning, a seam is formed. Bad quality stitch can occasionally ravel and put the consumers off, so it is important to choose the right stitch and thread for the construction of the garment. Class 100 is chain stitch used only for temporary stitching. This is formed with one or more needle-thread, introduced from one side of the material only. Loop of the thread is passed through the material and secured by interloping, with succeeding loops underside of the material. Chain stitch properties involve: elastic and are thicker then lock stitch. It can easily be ravelled; particular care is required to prevent runback from the last stitch. Class 200 is hand stitches: formed by single thread passing through one side of the material to the other end in successive needle penetration. Thread passes through the material as a single line and the stitch is secured by the succeeding formation of thread which passing in and out of the material or interloping of the threads with themselves. When more than one thread is used, the threads pass through the same perforations in the material. The formation of three common stitches class 200 is used for are: Over stitching or over casting commonly as a seam finish, involves ISO 211. This is formed with one needle thread which passes through the material from the inside of the garment, a small distance from the edge, casting the thread over the edge. (R. M Laing, 1998). Slip and blind hemming stitch (ISO 213) is formed with one needle thread, which is passed through a yarn of the single layer of material being hemmed, passed forward through the turned over edge of the hem allowance itself, emerging a short distance along. The thread is then brought forward through to repeat the stitch. (R. M Laing, 1998). Pad stitch commonly referred as ISO 219, this is formed with single needle thread, which is passed horizontally through the material and emerges on the same side. This stitch is used to attach interfacings(interling,canvas) to the under collar and under-lapel and to create shape by introducing slight difference in the dimensions of the garment components relative to each others. (R. M Laing, 1998). Class 300 Lock stitch is used for seams that require stretch. This is formed by a needle thread, introduced from one side of the material, interlacing with an under thread supplied through bobbin on the other side. The quality in this stitch is , that it is low in bulk and thin. It has Good strength and abrasion resistance. It has Poor elasticity, non-ravel. The bad quality is this is that, it has limited sewing length and the bobbin requires frequent change of thread to continue the stitching. Class 400 is multi thread chain stitch formed by a sewing machine passing one or more needle thread loops through the material. Those needle thread loops are interlope on the underside with a loop thread supported on a loop. This stitch tends to be very elastic and is well suited for seaming operations, for example, in seaming pants and closing synthetic bags, on woven and knits of many types and weights of materials. However, in Class 400 chainstitch, distorted or skipped stitching tend to weaken the entire stitch chain and, as a result when included in the final product, the defective product may prematurely fail, for example by unravelling (, 29/11/09) Class 500 over edge stitch: A stitch formed with one or more groups of threads at least one of which passes around the edge of the material. This property this stitch contains are: excellent stretch ability and good recovery. It is used for seam and edge neatening, suitable for various different type of fabric. Class 600 flat stitch: Multi-needle stitches that provide the elasticity necessary for knits. While applying these stitches onto the garment, it is very important to be aware of the size and fit, as the consumers asses these for an apparel product. Not only do them asses the quality apparel product but are also highly inspired by the ambience of the store. The ambience of the store is created by a visual merchandiser, who sets up the over all layout of the store, window display and takes responsibility for the the look of the store, with the aim of promoting goods in order to maximise sales. Chapter 2 The windows display is planned as per the look of the event (Sale, Valentines, Festivals and other activities. They are least expensive form of advertising. A good window display brings customers into the store. Windows sets the scene for what the customer will find inside, there is no second chance to make the first impression. For a smooth set up in the store, it important to have cooperation from all support function, good coordination in between the members of staff. The setup of the store and the installation has to be made over night, after the shop has closed and before it re-opens again the next morning. Technology has expanded a lot in terms of size and fitting; to get accurate consumers body measurement, for visual merchandising and with other internet sources that eases the communication between the consumer and a marketer. Size is related to individual body dimensions. They are grouped together into size classification according to the age, ethnicity, sex and body type of consumers. (Brown. P and Rice.J, 2000, p147). The apparel industry has challenged in meeting costumers needs for well fitting apparel. About 49 percent of womens have difficulty finding clothes that fit ((Kurt Salmon Associates, 2004), every year 12 percent of clothes purchased, are returned due to poor fitting (Barbaro, 2006). This has a big impact on the company, as due to the poor quality, company starts losing the customers, which leads to loss of profit, which then forces the company to shut down. The body shape and size is often influenced by consumers social life and it is important for those managing products and those marketing the product to be aware of this. In the past few years, size standardising was used in the retail to cure problem solving in garments fit. The average figure of consumers was usually from size 8 to 14; focusing on costumers aged from 18-30, concentrating on smaller shapes and sizes, while ignoring the disproportional figures. This has been a disappointment for consumers size 16 or above, as they struggle to find clothes that may fit their body shape and finding well fitted ready-to-wear clothing takes a considerable amount of consumers time (LaBat, 1987). Size codes used commonly on the apparel products are based on numbers and figure type Size labelling on the apparel product suggest the suitability of the garment to the consumers body dimension. Consumers size 8 to 14 have also often complained about not getting there sizes right even after the apparel products being labelled, this is due to Apparel size and fit have a difficult in researching and analyzing relationship between body and clothing. Current methods of creating size and analysing garments were based on measurement of the ideal customer embodied in single fit model; however this has still an issue in the fashion industry, as consumers were still not pleased with the fitting. Therefore, in order to fulfil consumers requirement and to maintain competitiveness in the industry, Clothing industries around the world is aiming to on utilising the latest Technologies being launched measure the body shapes. These technologies are used for and to manufacture clothing involving body scanner used for collecting body measurement, CAD system for patter making ,internet for communication between consumer and customizer , and the computerized visual process which will aware the consumer of the accurate and rapid production and delivery process. This 3D technology scans around 300,000 points on the body, which will help the apparel firms to manufacture clothing rapidly and succeed with on time delivery by providing valuable body measurement data on consumer population. The main purpose of using this technology is to gain better understanding of current human size and shape enabling the industry to develop sizing system that will fit most of the population.( Phoebe R. Apeagyei and Rose Otieno,2006) Retailers are now providing different shopping experiences by combing 2D to 3D interactivity visualisation technologies with advanced marketing techniques, to create virtual retail environments that attempts to actualise the true essence of shopping by browsing, socialising, trying-on before buying and, in a new twist, leaving the store proudly wearing the item just purchased. The original virtual mega stores, offering newly, innovative and alternative shopping experiencing in multi 3D user environment are American apparel brands Bershka, LOreal, Calvin Klein, Reebok, Sears, Nike and Adidas. Conclusion: Marketing provides an important link between the manufacturer, the retailer and the consumer. The marketing of fashion takes place at all stages of the development, production and distribution of garments. Fashion marketer must be well aware of the targeted audience, the current trend, quality within the product and the production methods used to enable themselves to aim at the right audience. The purpose of this term paper was to research within the significant elements of technology taken into consideration by the marketing department of the fashion company. These elements included the quality and the purpose of fabric construction, garment creation, New 3D scan technology and body measurement and how the related to fashion marketing. From my personal research experience for this term paper, I do believe that being aware of the stitches on a garment could be useful information for a fashion marketer; however it may not be necessary that a fashion market would have knowledge of stitches and seams in so much debt. It is also highly important for the marketer in the fashion department to be good knowledge about the fibres and fabrics, to be able to market the quality of the garment, which is measure by the overall performance of the drape garment. In the large fashion retailing organization, fashion buyers, marketer and technologist work very closely, with the technologist often involved right from the early stage. In any business activity, fashion buyer requires a marketing approach to succeed in the business. (Jackson, 2001, p5). Size and body measurement has always been an issue in the fashion business. Consumers have previously complained a lot about not being able to find the right size i.e: size 16, tall and etc. This remains still an issue in a few fashion retails, However to resolve this problem, fashion businesses have started to launch a new 3D scan technology, that measure various different parts of body and than ready-wear garment gets construct according to the measurement.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sacrificial Inequality Essay -- Adam and Eve, Women Studies, Gender Ro

â€Å"Had Adam tenderly reproved his wife, and endeavored to lead her to repentance instead of sharing in her guilt, I should be much more ready to accord to man that superiority which he claims; but as the facts stand disclosed by the sacred historian, it appears to me that to say the least, there was as much weakness exhibited by Adam as by Eve. They both fell from innocence, and consequently from happiness, but not from equality,† (Grimke, 1838). For as long as mankind has been able to function in society, there has always been a line dividing the roles of man and woman. Women have always been the lesser, especially in Western Civilization, and the expectations to be the â€Å"perfect housewife† have continued on into the 21st century. In â€Å"A Doll’s House,† a play set in 19th century Sweden by Henrik Ibsen, a woman named Nora had taken out a loan behind her husband’s back in order to take him to Italy to save his life. She not only had done this in secrecy, but also forged her father’s signature to receive the loan. If Torvald, her husband, were to find out, Nora would be in big trouble, especially since he thought she was like a little child. When Nora’s friend, Mrs. Linde, comes to visit, Torvald finds Nora’s big secret through a series of events and nearly disowns her to save his image. Mrs. Linde, a widow, had left her man, Krogstad—also the man who gave Nora the loan—for a richer man to provide for her family. Although these women had made reasonable sacrifices for their loved ones, their men didn’t understand and allowed society to decide how to react to their women. In â€Å"A Doll’s House,† Ibsen uses Nora and Mrs. Linde to illustrate that women are expected to make sacrifices to their happiness for their family that men wouldn’t m... ...ity for the ones they love because they believe that’ll help the relationship. If Nora had stood up to Torvald before, they may not have even been together anymore because Torvald would’ve realized it was really the â€Å"idea† of Nora that he was in love with and not actually her. This play caused great controversy because a woman had stepped out of what had become â€Å"her place† and been her own person. This was peculiar because it was orthodox for a woman to stay home doing housework and raising children. Although this isn’t how life is today anymore, it is still unusual to society for a man to be doing what was â€Å"a woman’s job.† This is the way it’s been for decades and centuries and the way it may stay for years to come. The only cure to the inequality between genders is to diminish the parallel between nature and nurture and break the stereotypes set up by humanity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Viet Nam Essay -- essays research papers

Tactics in Vietnam were an important factor in the victory of the Vietcong over the U.S. There were fundamental differences in their fighting methods, which the Vietcong were able to take full advantage of. The Vietcong used Guerrilla warfare, this meant that they used their knowledge of the area they were fighting in to hinder the U.S. The U.S army had been used to conventional warfare, in the form of bouts of fighting. Guerrilla warfare meant that they had to be constantly alert and Booby traps meant that many soldiers died and witnessed horrific deaths. This was naturally unnerving for the soldiers concerned, particularly so because many of the soldiers were young and inexperienced. The technology of the U.S was far superior to that of the Vietcong and yet it was ultimately ineffectual. One weapon, which the U.S thought would be important, was Bombs. At first the U.S bombed specific targets. When they realized that had little effect, they began blanket bombing, this was known as ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’. Massive amounts of explosives were dropped on Vietnam, three times as much explosives was dropped than on Germany and Japan put together during World War 2. However, the Vietcong countered this with anti-aircraft guns, surface to air missiles, aid from soviet planes, and a network of tunnels. The U.S believed these to be simply to take cover from the bombing, in-fact they were also effectively used to ambush the U.S. Bombing had very little effect on the Vietcong ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Innovation: What is innovation strategy Essay

According to Dictionary. com innovation strategy is a plan made by an organization to encourage advancement in technology or services, usually by investing in research and development activities. An organizations innovation strategy must align with its mission and vision statements, along with aligning with the organizations statements it must also align with outside sources strategies like suppliers and manufacturing. If the process and products strategy do not align this could quickly drive up cost and risk for the organization. There are three pillars of innovation strategy (1) research and development ideation, (2) Life cycles and product innovation strategy, (3) information/idea transference and customer feedback, using these an organization can focus on to help ensure that it is successful. Innovation: Why pick this type or product? Simple truth is a good innovation because it is a different type of product. It is natural and organic and there are many ways it comes in form from beverages to snacks. According to the website Simple Truth products are made with methods that mix cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster the recycling of resources, promote ecological balance and help conserve biodiversity. (The kroger Co, 2013) Using Simple Truth will help households to â€Å"Go Green†. Though not everyone likes the organic products because they are more expensive, if everyone can switch to just using one organic product in their household, it will help to show that society cares for what is happening to the environment. With this type of organic product being used it helps to encourage the preserving of resources that are precious to our world. This will also help future generations to be encouraged to use these organic products so that the world can continue to grow and prosper for many more generations. Evaluation: What makes this a successful innovation? Evaluation: Will this increase the success of the company overall? The success of Simple Truth depends on a trending belief that organic foods are healthier and cleaner. While there are little arguments or studies that show organic foods being healthier or safer (Smith-Spangler et al. 2012), it is agreeable that organic foods do not use chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth, synthetic pesticides to reduce pests and diseases, synthetic herbicides to manage weeds, or antibiotics and growth hormones for animals to prevent diseases and spur growth (Mayo Clinic, 2013). Simple Truth considers the long-term effect of agricultural interventions on the agro-ecosystem and supports the growth of organic foods while establishing sustainability with our shared global resources such as soil, water, air and climate, and general biodiversity. Each day, as more people realize how organic foods support the environment, Simple Truth will reap the benefits of a changing societal view on sustainability. According to statistics collected from the Organic Trade Association (2011), 75% of U. S. families purchase organic products at one point or another. 41% of parents in 2010 reported buying more organic foods than previous years. 70% of organic buyers now look for the USDA organic certified seal. Since Simple Truth is USDA Organic-certified, the increase of overall organic purchases across the country is also a positive indicator pointing to the overall company success.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Most Writers of Fiction Do Not Earn Enough Money to Live from Their Writing Essay

Most writers of fiction do not earn enough money to live from their writing. Do you think the government should give them financial assistance to help encourage good literature? You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience. here are some conditions under which a novelist could reasonably expect some government suport. In general terms, if the writer has already proved that he or she can write well, and if the stories produced are stimulating and interesting, then I consider that some financial help might be given. Language quality is difficult to define, but if the writing shows, for example, good grammar, a wide vocabulary, and elegance and imagination, then I can see a valid reason for assisting an author to spend some time free from money problems. Such a writing needs to be encouraged. the entertainment value of a book would be also a factor in deciding whether to provide assistance to an author. Further consideration would include social and educational values expressed in the author’s work. However, if the ideas were socially irresponsible, or if the stories contain unnecessary violence or pornography for its own sake, then I would not want to see the author sponsored to write stories which do not benefit society. Other exceptions are the many writers of good books who do not require financial help. Books which proved to be extremely popular, such as the Harry Potter stories, clearly need no subsidy at all because the authors have become rich through their writing. Views on what good quality writing means will vary widely, and so if any author is to be given money for writing, then the decision would have to be made by a committee or panel of judge. An individual opinion would certainly cause disagreement among the reading public.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Factors that drive organizational change Essay

Organizational change is defined as change that has an impact on the way work is performed and has a significant effect on staff. (The Vector study, 2012). Organizational change can be major like a reorganization or a much smaller change such as new computer software. Changes can include structure within the organization, working practices that include hours and schedules, role changes, and the environment within which work is done. Whether change is viewed as large or small it can affect production, employee satisfaction, and profits. When an organization faces decisions that may cause change, the leadership must have a vision of the objective. In order for change to happen, the entire organization needs to share a vision of a desirable future. Today there are many reasons for change in an organization. One major factor is technology. The technological advancements in business resulted in frequent changes and more are coming. Organizations use technology to look for ways to make things easier and less costly. In an ever-changing global economy the demand for higher services and quality place pressure on an organization, implying that change is a constant way of corporate life. Businesses want results and the addition of the Internet, web meetings, and  cell phones have created an environment of instant results. Technology has advanced business needs to unimaginable heights. With changes, though, comes implementation. These changes are not easy and will affect the team members. Management has to be on top of the newest developments and decide how best to use them. Leadership must implement strategies that will help the entire organization see the vision they have for the company and why this change is necessary for progress. For an organization to be successful in leading change it is essential that members are of the same mind-set and share the sense that change will lead to progress. Teams leading change must be credible and committed to the change process. Possessing the skills necessary and the ability to guide others is crucial to success. Failing to do so leads to market share and profit loss. Shareholders lose confidence in senior management and the loss of key employees can perpetuate an unstable environment. The economic and social forces such as globalization, social/culture, political/legal, competition, technology, liberalization, deregulation, unstable financial market and advancement in information technology have made and continue to make the business environment dynamic in all operating aspects. Competition is another factor of organizational change. A small business may find themselves directly competing with a large chain store or a United States manufacturing firm may have competition from other global organizations. No matter the size or span of a business, competition will lead to change. Most organizations today face a dynamic changing environment. These companies have two choices; change and grow or stay the same and fail. Organizations that learn to change and adapt to these changes ultimately survive. Merger and acquisitions are often a result of change. One company could not or did not adapt to the changes in the environment and became vulnerable; or they made aggressive changes and became more desirable as an asset than a competitor. This is how I find myself in my current job. In 2001 I was employed by a small Bio-tech company that developed and sold an innovative piece of medical equipment. This company was growing faster than anticipated and the market for this product exceeded expectations. It was a very exciting time. In the medical device industry there is always talk of acquisitions and no organization is immune to the rumors. As the  talk of our small company being bought by one of the big Bio-tech companies in our industry grew, so did the uncertainty. The effects of mergers and acquisitions on employee morale can be significant, (Richards, 2013) and my company and fellow employees were no exception. There was an announcement made, and we were acquired by another much larger company. Change is often difficult and how this was going to impact our jobs was the biggest concern for most. Who would still have a job and how was that job going to change based on our new environment were the questions being asked. The key to this successful merger of two separate sales teams was communication. The communication was critical to eliminate fear and explain decisions. The leadership worked diligently to provide us with as much information regarding the upcoming steps and who would be handling each one. They shared as much of the strategy as they could legally and handled every question effectively and honestly. When two organizations come together in a situation as this, there are many changes to deal with. Each member of our team was given the choice to apply for a position within the new company or take a severance package. Some felt safer with the severance and left, but many of us interviewed for our positions with the new company. We met in a central location and were interviewed by three teams; sales, human resources and, marketing. Not knowing if and how many of us would ever work together again was an additional stress. Waiting for the call, to see if I had a job was stressful, but so was meeting and joining a new group. As in any organization change there were concerns, conflicts and, perceived losses. Fear of change can impact productivity negatively and resulted in some to seek other opportunities. Fortunately for me though, things have worked out well. Stress and fear of job changes can cause competition within an organization. Senior leadership was doing their best to stay alert to signs of negative competition and keeping both groups informed of the changes and what impact this would have on each individual’s job. Competition is good but if it creates stress and conflict it can be detrimental to an organization. References The vector study. (2012). Retrieved from Richards, L. (2012). The effects of mergers and acquisitions on employee morale. Small Business, (), . Retrieved from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Comparing Conflict Theory and Social Control Theory Essay

A major purpose of this paper is to discuss conflict theory and social control theory from many phases. Sociological imagination originated in 1950 beginning with C. Wright Mills, an American sociologist. The concept of sociological imagination refers to how many factors there are in sociology that shape and mold the connections between what indirectly associates personal levels to simple aspects of life for people. In this paper I will discuss the implications of how personal issues are parallel to social problems in which people try to associate as a link to society. However, in exploring the basis of sociological imagination there are distinctions made between the two. For instance, teenage pregnancy is an issue suggested by Mills that teen mothers must realize that teen pregnancy is not an isolated problem. Teenage pregnancy is a vastly growing issue that young girls face in every community. Instead of being overridden with feelings of guilt and shame, the theory of sociological imagination suggests that teen pregnant girls should blame parents, peers, lack of information in school, or other societal influences that led to the current dilemma. In this paper I will discuss how the relationships, values, commitments, and beliefs are encouraging factors for people to avoid crime or break laws set forth by government. If people would internalize moral values and take pride in the community, the desire to commit deviant acts will be obsolete. Understanding the reduction of crime is a concept of social control theory. A focus of discussion in this paper is comparing conflict and social control theories and the motivational issues stating that individuals choose to participate in a variety of activities that led to criminal behavior. A derivative view of human nature states that choice constraints exist through implicit social agreements, arrangements, or contracts among individuals. Morality derives from social order, consequences that come from choices, and defining actions as illegal and lacking in morality. Discussion Basis of conflict theory is the viewpoint that the causes of crime are social and financial forces operating in society. The focus of conflict in communities is keeping with general evolutionary considerations without being genetically identifiable, all organisms display conflicts of interests. Arguments exist stating that criminal law is thought to operate in favor of rich and powerful people with policies in place to control the poor. The foundation basis of the criminal justice society is to impose moral standards in communities. The main focus is the separation of powerful individuals from those less fortunate who steal and protect themselves from attacks. During this process, ignoring the rights of poor people becomes prevalent. Middle-class individuals show favoritism to the upper-class rather than the poor, thinking that this type of mentality will aid in their rise to the top by supporting the upper echelon. Drug crimes and minor monetary crimes are severely punishable by law , large business, and financial crimes are lenient in punishment. As an example, a person stealing a television will receive a longer sentence than a person who embezzles millions of dollars through illegal business transactions. Conflict theory variations since 1960 include radical feminism, left realism, and peacemaking criminology. Radical feminism is women under capitalism. Dominant male figures are normal occurrences in society, woman are subject to this dominance in the home and work environment, and in society. Radical feminist criminologists have researched the unfair treatment of female teenagers. Studies show that female teenagers are likely to be in an institution for violations such as running away from their home, and are more prone to be sexually active. In the work environment women must be on guard for sexual attacks from men and negative comments in relation to promotional incentives. Left realism is a response to the movement of crime victims. Criminologists realize that most victims are not rich but poor. Predatory crimes are attacks on family and neighborhoods. The bottom line is left realists have the revelation that the criminal justice system acts to halt victimization without consideration of the classification of its perpetrators. Also focusing on deviant behaviors of the rich and successful must be thorough because business and financial crimes remain important. Peacemaking criminology investigates international concerns such as genocide and war. International issues for  the rights of humans and universal justice are subjects of major concern. The theory of social control deals with issues promoting social order and conformity. Many factors determine if a person will or will not engage in criminal or deviant behavior. Sociologists research various reasons for conformity and nonconformity to social norms. Social control theory studies how the issuance of rules in society is to maintain a standard of order. The th eory of social control suggests that social stability relies on the expectations that people relate to one another regarding decency and morality. Regulatory standards of human behavior in society are the foundation of social control theory. Identifying methods that can prevent deviant behaviors or deter individuals from law breaking activities are the main focus of the social control theory. The theory generalizes on two important areas: formal and informal control systems. Both formal and informal systems build on norms set forth by popularity in society. The difference is formal control systems are structuring tools of the legal system and informal control systems start within families, friends, and customs. In correspondence to criminal behaviors Ivan Nye developed four areas of control in society: 1. Direct – dictates rewarding for good behavior and punishment is administered for defiant behavior. 2. Internal – drives individuals by their conscience 3. Indirect – drives individuals by the innate desire to please others closest to him or her 4. Needs satisfaction – unnecessary criminal behavior when needs are met Social control maintains when the needs of the individual is met. When an individual’s needs are met he or she is less likely to commit crimes. Social control theory has a major role in understanding criminal behaviors. The view of criminal acts is behavioral techniques learned from peers that become his or her perceptions of normality in society. An individual’s constant exposure to deviant behaviors makes him or her more vulnerable to participate in the same behaviors he or she witnesses. In comparison of the conflict and social control theories both are a basis of extensive research. However, essentially the result is an individual’s behavior in society and the foundation of early childhood. In life there are choices to be made right and wrong. Socially greed often overtakes the desire to do the right thing  and wrong decisions seem inevitable. The choices that we make follow us from adolescence to adulthood. Socially correct should not mean belittling the poor, but the social correct should encourage the poor to excel. Conflict happens daily in our lives, marriages, employment, and school. Dealing with conflict in communities heals the wounds that a lack of morality and education causes. A struggle for power occurs in social classes in comparison to a balance of power. In the end one group is not victorious over the other. Conclusion Social controls that triumph in society are the effect of conflicts of interest with an undetermined outcome by reason for evolutionary theory. Evolutionary theory suggests that without genetic identity conflicts among individuals will exist. Different conflicts in relation to social controls – controlled behaviors and who gains from the controlling behavior are noted as a factor in how the behavior of individuals relates to crime and control. Some controls may benefit rich and powerful men, middle-class men, or the entire group of men, and those individuals whose behavior adapts to constraints of control. In conflict theory invisible tension exists in rich and poor members of the community. The law protects the white-collar worker and the layman is left to protect him or herself. Personal issues are socially problematic and issues that cause debate, frustration, and power are conflicting. The key to both theories discussed in the paper is to understand the behaviors of criminals. Society views criminal acts as behaviors learned from peers and exposure to crime settings. Criminal behaviors are recurring when the foundation of youth is not of a positive nature. Crime will continue impacting society until positive crime prevention programs are in place and the successful implementation of rules is followed. References Gibbs, J.P. (1989). Control: sociology’s central notion. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of Delinquency. Berkeley. University of California Press. Krohn, M. and Massey, J. (1980). Social control and delinquent behavior: an examination of the elements of the social bond. Sociological Quarterly. 21. Sampson, R.J. and Laub J.H. (1993). Crime in the making: pathways and turning points through life. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community - Essay Example My notion of community was confined to this setting and usually my mind wandered to the rural area or the countryside with old folks and relatives doing small jobs at home. Champion swimmers are Olympians who win gold medals. To me that was a fact that was always at the back of my mind. They compete to win but are a rare kind of people and they don’t compose a community. They are single individuals, motivated and driven to win but are never living together, or concentrated in a geographic area. A community is different – it is a group of individuals with a common objective and situated in the same place. This opinion is just an opinion which later turned out to be wrong when I came to love the world of sports, particularly swimming. As I grew older in knowledge and spirit, I came to believe that a community is not confined to a small group in one geographic location. Community and sports can be joined together. Swimmers can be one community, people who connect to each other just like other individuals with the same hobby and likes in life. Chess players socialize and connect with other chess players in far places of the globe. Basketball players play hard to get that championship trophy but they form a community of real athletes who must have the stamina, physical endurance and, above all, teamwork. Swimmers love to talk and be with swimmers. We enjoy reading the lives of Olympian swimmers, their hardships and pains, and their successes. The world of sports is as big as the world itself, and swimmers who come from all walks of life can be a community. In my younger years, few dull thoughts formed in my young mind – that I was not made to win and that I would not belong to a sports community. As I learned to swim, I realized I was part of a community, even if that community is composed of people who do not know each other

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Textual Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem The Brain is wider than the Research Paper

Textual Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem The Brain is wider than the Sky - Research Paper Example The poem also employs fundamental devices that make a poem memorable in its delivery of message (Deppman 76). Uniqueness in Emily Dickinson choice of structure and form in the entire poem is clear. She creates an extremely provocative poem using minimal words. For example, the poem provokes its respective audience to explore the relations of the mind to the sky, the sea and God. Her entire poem reveals the use of several dashes that seem to heighten uncertainty. Dickson places a dash after every sentence in her poem making critics question the intentional use of the symbol. Careful analysis reveals that the dashes emphasize the meaning in the poem. It is fundamental to acknowledge that the form of her poem is captivating because of its brevity. One would not expect such a short poem to deliver an intense message. Other significant elements about form and structure in this poem include Emily’s choice of three stanzas. She ensures that there is equal division of lines in her poem making each of the three stanzas have three lines. There is a notable pattern in the rhyme scheme that she introduces to make the poem suitable. For example, in her first stanza, Emily Dickinson creates an internal rhyme that increases the musicality of her poem. The second line of the first stanza ends with the word â€Å"side† while the second last line ends with the word â€Å"beside†.... The word â€Å"Blue† rhymes with â€Å"do† while â€Å"pound† rhymes with â€Å"sound†. Biographical Criticism Dickson’s previous exposure and consequent address of topics that are relevant to the Romantic Movement in poetry make the poem relevant. She chooses the omniscient point of view in elaborating her storyline. This poem does not seem to have specific voices. However, it has a significantly powerful voice that is neither first person nor second person. The voice is always present throughout the poem. Dickinson displays poetic prowess when using this unique voice to deliver her message in the poem. In the second stanza of the poem, she implies â€Å"-Put them side by side-â€Å". This commanding voice lacks a clear origin. An interesting aspect of the omniscient viewpoint that combines physics and psychology (Faflak 55) Dickinson addresses matters that are beyond feminism in this poem. She uses the poem to display her wonder on significant a spects of nature. Her other works equally focus on several fascinating ideas that are natural (Farr & Louise 5). For example, she focuses on the brain and its power over other powerful elements. She seems to have mastered Romanticism because of her exemplary delivery of a poem that focuses on natural ideas. Psychoanalytic Criticism Dickinson succeeds in accessing the parts of the brain that seem to be unreachable because they are unconscious. The poem allows her to express ideas that seem impossible in the normal world. She uses her poetic justice to reveal some of her unusual desires. Emily Dickinson satisfies the psychoanalytic elements in her poem. Psychoanalysts suggest that people’s actions are governed by sexual desires. Emily displays her sexual

Human Resources Employment law for Businesses Case Study

Human Resources Employment law for Businesses - Case Study Example Based upon these facts the company needs to retain legal counsel because the lawsuit is valid. 2. Natalie Weston has a valid lawsuit against her former employer. The store manager broke confidentiality when telling a company calling to verify Ms. Weston previously worked at the company by telling them she came to work drunk. Based upon these things the Martin's department store needs to retain legal counsel. In addition the description does not state that the store manager has any proof that Ms. Weston was drunk while at work. With this proof this situation can easily be called defamation of character. However, the determination in regards to ruling will maybe influenced by the evidence presented. If an employee or the potential employer provides a statement that this has occurred the employer will have a strong lawsuit against them. 1. There is a difference between an employee that reports a serious or violent crime to the police and an employee that reports someone stealing paper clips. The differentiation lies in the determination of the severity of the crime. Raping an individual would constitute a felony and stealing cars or car parts dependent upon the determined value would also constitute a felony. However, stealing paper clips is not a serve or violent crime. ... However, stealing paper clips usually is dealt with from the inside of the company by company officials. This notion was further demonstrated in this case as the court ruling found that "public policy favored citizen crime fighters and the exposure of criminal activity" (Muhl, 2001, p. 2). Thus ruling that stealing a screw driver and car parts are not in the same category and protection extends to Palmateer. 2. This crime occurring at International Harvester does call for more severity than stealing a two dollar screw driver. Stealing car parts and selling them is more complicated than stealing a screw driver. Obtaining stole car parts and selling them is an illegal deed regardless of who or where the car parts are being stolen from. This operation may expose thefts to stores, or people. Due to the nature of this crime the good faith clause is applicable to this situation. 3. Terminated works have some rights that extent past the termination. The termination should not be discussed with other workers in regards to the reason of termination. Further the former work has the right to confidentiality. Thus if a new potential employer calls to verify the employee was employed at the facility they should not release details of the termination. This is confidential information and the company may be sued. In addition the former employer may not say anything that maybe detrimental to the former employees character. This release of information (whether it is true or factious information) may cause the employee not to receive the potential job. This situation presents defamation of character.To further instill the rights of public policy this case occurred in a state that a good faith clause. According to Muhl(2001),the good faith clause has been

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv - Essay Example The employees underwent intensive computer training for at least three days.Management was pleased with their efforts of what seemed like upgrading their division with technological advances. On the other hand, the sales representatives were disgruntled with the additional work of logging into technology and being less efficient due to their adjustment to the new tasks at hand. Glitches were also experienced with regards to the database, thereby losing prospective clients. They find themselves spending so much time learning to make their computers work, taking the time they need to do their real job which was sales. On top of that, they felt they were â€Å"ball-chained† to their supervisors who were able to reach them anytime through their computers and mobile phones, demanding reports more often than before. The sales reps were finding out for themselves that the introduction of technology in their jobs was more of a hassle than a help. Management-side stuck to their guns refusing to see systems failure. Instead, they attributed the data errors in the database as human failure to encode data correctly. This caused more conflict and division among the management and sales force. Meanwhile, the company was not doing very well in terms of service to customers and therefore, projected profits were low. The case study was concluded with management’s lack of commitment to involve the sales force. Grievances of the sales reps regarding heavy workload and increased control over their activities remained issues that management did not deal with. The prevailing organizational problems seen in the case study was a violation of a â€Å"psychological contract†, breakdown in communication in the introduction of technology in the sales work, ineffective transfer of knowledge of the benefits of technology use.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The American Male at Age Ten & Orchid Fever by Susan Orlean Essay

The American Male at Age Ten & Orchid Fever by Susan Orlean - Essay Example According to the study at the age of ten, a child may surprise you with his awareness of what goes on in society. At the same time, however, he may amaze you with how the little things in his life make it significant. Similarly, someone who is passionate about something will find meaning in life even with the menial things that satisfy his zeal. Susan Orlean is known to write about ordinary people â€Å"who are not normally in the public eye or consciousness, but in whose very ordinariness Orlean finds something extraordinary.† Because of her essay topics, Orlean enables her readers, and even herself, to be in awe at how everyday people can have such meaningful lives. There is nothing unusual about the people in the middle of Orleans stories. They are not famous celebrities or notorious folks. They are, however, passionate about things or people that are important to them. Because of this, their lives have become exceptional. From this study it is clear that in â€Å"The American Male at Age Ten†, Orlean describes the life of a typical 10-year old American boy living in the suburbs. Like any boy his age, Colin Duffy shows the writer’s audience that he can be a child and yet at the same time be as sensitive and mature in thinking as an older person. The author shares that Colin plays games and pranks and hangs out with his best bud. Amidst all this carefree behavior, Orlean also describes Colin as someone smart, aware of social issues normally discussed between adults and has a mind which can and does process a lot of stuff whenever Colin feels like it. Towards the end of the essay, the reader is made to realize that although Colin is just ten, there is more to him than just video games and childish pranks.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Short Story Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Story Assignment - Essay Example Bang! Just another intimate encounter between the local paid escort in tiger print and her stupefied benefactor. Looking out on the morning rain had a deeper sentiment to Martin Black as it was commonplace to witness syringes, yesterday’s snack cake from the rundown community convenience store and a mish mash of broken child toys streaming down the thoroughfare in a mad torrent of rainwater beside this Los Angeles tenement. Yes, Martin Black understood mourning rain, with the delight of an angry black widow and the stamina of a legless cheerleader. â€Å"Martin Black!† The shout echoed through the decrepit corridor leading into the ramshackle family room where his mother spent so many of her waking hours. His mother was a real hospitality chef, just a drizzle of her favorite afternoon soaps and a pinch of cheap cologne that stunk up the staunchly decaying household interior like a sweetened dose of rotten flesh. â€Å"Martin Black! Mama needs a foot rub. These damn cor ns be killin’ my tired feet. Get your rump out here and help Mama right now!† The sound of her liquor-induced garble was barely coherent while the echo of her ignorance pounded against the paint-deprived walls. Mama, as she demanded he call her since as long as he could remember, had dropped out of middle school at age 13 in order to pursue a romance with an older high school sophomore. After Jimbo (that’s what the neighborhood gangs had labeled her first husband) received a single gunshot wound to the chest, Mama not only lost the love of her life, but was forced to take employment at the local hair salon since the local school board considered her a high-risk distraction to the educational process. Of course, Mama lasted only two months before striking a red-headed regular boasting a stylish bouffant (and a disrespectful mouth, Mama had said) with a bottle of AquaNet, plucking out her left eyeball. What’s in a name?, Martin suddenly asked himself as he g rabbed the dull scissors and a bottle of peroxide from the dispirited bathroom shelf and hurried down the hallway to play master surgeon to a foul-smelling bump of foot fungus. Welfare, it seemed, was timid about providing sustenance for toe jam. â€Å"Coming, Mama.† The sound of it was self-demeaning. As Martin glided slowly underneath her lifted foot, ready to tackle the hideous project of removal, Mama rambled on about her son’s lethargy and lack of value to the household, demanding he pursue a job at the local convenience store. â€Å"It’s high time, Martin Black, that you start earnin’ some ya keep around here!† â€Å"Mama, you know the neighborhood links my name to Daddy’s. Nobody wants me working in their businesses. I’ve been thinkin’, Mama, about takin’ the Greyhound to Colorado and getting me a job on the pipeline.† Martin suddenly felt the piercing ache of a blunt wound to the palm of his hand as Mama v iolently swung her feet out of the creaking and hideous flowered recliner. Her abrupt and unusually adept motion caught him completely by surprise as he tumbled backwards viciously, tipping over her life’s blood in the process: the 18 inch black-and-white console set that regurgitated her worthless dramas all the day long. â€Å"You’re gonna gimme 40 bucks for that boob tube, you ungrateful, selfish little heathen!† Mama concerned herself not with Martin’s gaping flesh wound, instead lurching to the fallen console to rectify her welfare-induced playwrights that brought her such sustenance for her lifestyle of sloth.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Mangment - Essay Example ng a project is usually desirable when the project timeline is inaccurate, and the project implementation process lags behind the set schedule, or project completion date is raised up (Pinto 298). In these situations, it is difficult to complete a project within the stipulated period as set in the original schedule. Therefore, it is recommendable to crash the project or activities to establish new completion dates. Additionally, crashing is sometimes desirable when penalties or late fees are incurred. In some cases, it is advisable to crash activities than pay the extra activities (Pinto 299). The critical path is usually the longest path within the network. Crashing project or activities is performed on the critical path to reduce the overall project duration period (Pinto 302). This is because crashing projects or activities outside the critical path increase overall cost. It also only reduces the time for the completion of a single activity, but not the overall time of the project completion. Therefore, it is advisable to crash activities that lie, on the critical path to reduce the time for project completion and extra

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Does Specific Types of Post- Acute of Care Congestive Heart Failure Article

Does Specific Types of Post- Acute of Care Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) - Article Example An evaluation of the methods is used to determine the methods which can be employed to improve the management of the condition and prevent readmission. Congestive heart failure is a draining ailment with an increasing prevalence in various sections and regions of the world especially among the elderly people. This illness is one of the major causes of hospital admission in various health care facilities around the globe (Khatibzadeh et al, 2013). The treatment cost that is associated with this condition is approximated to be $ 20 billion. Medical therapy for the condition has ensured that the survival rates have been increased. However, beneficial effect on the quality of lives of patients has not been widely reported. Up to 20% of patients with congestive heart failure are normally readmitted to the hospitals and health facilities within thirty days of discharge (Lloyd-Jones et al., 2005). This number or rate of readmission however varies region wisely and is also dependent on the insurance coverage that each of these patients have. These costs of readmission have necessitated the assessment of the various conditions that pres ent a risk of admission and interventions have been developed to prevent readmission. The prevalence of congestive heart failure diseases around the world presents a fundamental challenge to the healthcare system. Many patients suffering from this condition have to be placed under acute care within the hospitals, and this does not always end the problem (Calvillo–King et al., 2013). Once the patient conditions improve, discharge becomes imminent and the lack of proper care after discharge leads to readmission of the patients. This research seeks to identify the effectiveness of the post-acute care interventions in the prevention of hospital readmission. These interventions have mainly been adopted and implemented in seeking to ensure the patients receive comprehensive care and are not

Friday, September 6, 2019

Religion & society Essay Example for Free

Religion society Essay Religion is a set of beliefs and practices, often centred upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality. The functionalist, such as Emile Durkhiem sociological perspective about the role of religion in society is that; Religion is exceptionally important because it has a great influence on everything from government to social order and family relationships. They also believe religion maintains social solidarity and value consensus amongst societys population and this helps maintain the well-being of society. Many feminist sociologist such as Armstrong, argue that religious institutions and beliefs help legitimise gender inequality. Like Marxist, feminist argue that religion is a product of patriarchy rather than capitalism. However, religion can maintain mechanism as it maintains the exiting system of exploitation, and reinforces class relationships and inequalities; Religion also diverts peoples attention away from the real sources of oppression the ruling class, creating a false class conscience. This social control is also achieved because the ruling class adopts traditional religious beliefs and these believes legitimate and justifies, theyre social positions e. g. monarchs, ordained by god in modern society. My aim is to find out how important is religion to people in todays society. This is because religion affects different societies in different ways and different forms, causing the forms of society to change. Religion can be a driving force in society, but as a reactionary rather than a radical way. So I am going to find out how different people from different cultures react to religion under different circumstances.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Community Participation In Disaster Management

Community Participation In Disaster Management Though we have argued that community participation in the context of disaster management is imperative, there are still several debates under the context of participatory development that could somehow influence its successful implementation, hence, should be taken into account especially during the planning phase of the CBDRM. First, the complexity of individual motivations. It is difficult to move a community towards a certain direction, particularly if the members have different interests and motivations. As noted earlier, community is a complex social structure comprised of different perspectives, opinions and motivations. Conversely, motivation and willingness to participate is dictated by individual thinking and determined by own underlying interests. Their experiences on disasters could influence their behavior; however for community members who have not experienced extreme natural disaster, raising their interest in prevention and capacity building becomes more difficult as it seems abstract for them, unlike physical or structural measures that are visible and tangible such as installing early warning devices, etc. Similarly, exposure to external aids could influence communitys interest to participate; this is in particular to urban areas, who have become accustomed to receiving external assistance thus their reluctance to undertake risk management on their own (Solo, n.d.). Another area under this is the personal-driven motivations with vested interests that could influence, hamper or even deviate the result of the participatory development process. And politicians or soon to be politicians find this kind of activity personally beneficial for them by earning popularity. Second, participation requires effort and time. The CBDRM implementation is comprised of various activities, such as planning and capacity buildings, that require active and continuous participation from various stakeholders. While these activities involved a considerable time and effort, some community members perceive these series of participation as waste of time and/or economically unproductive activity, thus opt to focus more on their work and earn money, instead. While for the part of the organizer, participatory process such as public consultation is also time consuming. Organizing requires proper and detailed planning for scheduling of activities, identifying stakeholders, sending out invitation and confirming attendance. The quality and productivity of the activity is affected by the possible low turn-out of attendance among target participants. Third, restricted women participation and cultural boundaries. The CBDRM puts emphasis on the different risks and vulnerabilities faced by members of the communities, such that, male perceived risks differently as compared to female, and similar with adult to children. However, some culture restricts participation and voluntarism; concrete example is on women participation. There are some cultures that confine womens role within the boundaries of domestic activities. Despite the current effort to gender mainstream disaster reduction, with the consequent enormous household tasks directly or indirectly imposed to them, these offer women less time to interact in social activities and participate in community development actions. Fourth, local power relation within the community. The dynamics that exists within the community is clearly manifested on the relationship between the rich and poor, elite and commoners, and literate and illiterate. These relationships bring us to the questions on who can really participate, who can talk and verbalize their opinions during public consultations or workshops. Often times, those who are well-informed and have time to participate dominate the discussion, while leaving behind the poor and the illiterate who has the greater degree of vulnerability. To put stress further, the UNDP asserts that the communities who are most vulnerable to natural events are frequently those who have a disproportionately high number of illiterate members (Solo, n.d.). Fifth, local knowledge influenced by local power relations. CBDRM builds on the existing local knowledge to assess community risks, and serve as basis in developing plans. However, local knowledge can be influenced by local power relations, authority and gender (Mosse, 2002). Other personalities or stakeholders may impute their own interests to or influence the local knowledge which may not necessarily resolve the issues of disaster risks or lead to greater and common interests of all of improving community resiliency. And Fifth, creating development fatigue among stakeholders. Since participatory development is among the most popular approaches in development, many development initiatives have embraced and integrated it within their programs and projects. Consultations and/or collaboration among stakeholders has been repeatedly being undertaken along different stages of one or more different programs and projects, this repeated process could eventually create fatigue among stakeholders, especially when despite of continuing consultations no advancement or progress is achieved. These are some of the limitations and challenges that may be faced by project implementers of CBDRM within the scope of participatory development. These limitations only follows that bringing real community participation to risk management is a difficult task which all actors should understand or at least recognize (Solo, n.d.:26). And to understand more what CBDRM is as applied to real world, the next part gives us practical examples illustrating how effective implementation of CBDRM could potentially improve community resiliency. CBDRM Good Practices Globally, CBDRM has been promoted as an approach to improve community resiliency. International development organizations and non-government organizations strongly lobby CBDRM for policy adoption and mainstreaming in the disaster management framework of national and local governments. Currently, most CBDRM projects are led by local and international NGOs, either in partnership with other civil society organizations, NGOs, international development organizations or local government. The UN ISDR compiled good practices in CBDRM that illustrates how communities have worked together towards a common goal and benefitted from their undertaking. Directly lifted from the UN ISDR study, entitled Building Disaster Resilient Communities: Good Practices and Lessons Learned (2007), below are some of the examples of CBDRM practices that link with climate change adaptation and implemented in different countries considered highly vulnerable. Involving community members in increasing public awareness and capacity building through creating information campaigns to enhance the safety of the population at risk is cited as good practice. The project is an information campaign which stimulates creativeness and innovativeness from the local actors and similarly optimizes local talents, knowledge, and local resources in a way easily comprehensible to the local community members. This is a project implemented in Haiti in 22 settlements in coordination with their Local Civil Protection Committees (LCPCs) through the assistance from Oxfam GB. Natural hazards such as earthquakes have been continuously affecting the country of Haiti, while its urban areas are characterized with its dense urban population and dense built areas this make the country more vulnerable (UN-ISDR, 2007). Another good practice is on creating access among low income groups to disaster micro-insurance scheme. Taking into account that risk transfer supports sustainable economic recovery, micro-insurance could serve as a cushion to lessen impact of disaster, particularly among the poor victims whom majority have limited or no access to risk transfer schemes. The micro-insurance represents an innovative approach to help the victims; wherein risk is transferred from the individual level to the community or inter-community levels. With the implementation of micro-insurance, this elicit positive feedbacks from the communities claiming that insurance in times of crisis is essential, the affordability of the scheme makes it accessible for the poor households, and which consequently result to reduced dependence from outside relief. This is the approach of the Afat Vimo scheme, a project implemented in India after a major earthquake exposed the community members to disaster-induced financial loss es. The project is said to be part of the Regional Risk Transfer Initiative, an action learning project of the Gujaratbased All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (UN-ISDR, 2007). With the long drought being experienced, crop failures and the consequent food shortage, this has led a community in Indonesia to identify a mechanism to prevent food shortage. The community established a monitoring system for food security and livelihood and community early warning system largely based from their indigenous knowledge in combination with modern science, which the UN ISDR (2007) considered a good practice. The project has three components: community awareness and indicator development to monitor food security and livelihood; community early warning system; and advocacy on appropriate agricultural system such as promotion of crops suitable for drought-prone land. The project is in partnership with local NGO aiming to increase community resilience from drought in Southeastern Indonesia. The region is characterized by experiencing a three-month rainy season and a nine-month drought season. Problems on food shortage is said to be brought by lack of climate-related knowled ge and information that results to crop failure (UN-ISDR, 2007). Another good practice project where it illustrates that local context of communities can be a dynamic force in reducing risks, is on creating flood and typhoon-resilient homes through employing a cost-effective retrofitting. The project was initiated to put emphasis on the capacity of families and local communities in playing a key role in Vietnams disaster risk reduction strategy and in reducing their vulnerabilities, which during the project implementation, community-based disaster risk reduction, is still not integrated. The process involves community consultation and preventive action planning. The project is Development Workshop France (DWF), a program initiated in Vietnam through Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and European Commission Humanitarian aid Office (ECHO). The severe typhoons and floods affecting the country have resulted to damage and loss of housing in the affected communities (UN-ISDR, 2007). In order to understand current local environmental situation, develop awareness and capacity to deal with, and to contribute to relevant policy formulation, one of the communities in Namibia established an inter-community platform and local-level monitoring as support for local decision making. The plat-form serves as medium for community organization and communication. Moreover, the approach strengthens capacity among the community to coordinate their own activities and preparing their development plans. The local-level monitoring, on the other hand, is used to support information exchange and decision making. The monitoring scheme, where community members themselves have identified the relevant indicators, serves as a tool for identification of environmental changes that may affect their livelihoods; furthermore, the results are used as basis for decisions on management actions, climate variability, policy changes, etc. Overall, the community benefits from the project by improving their capacities and promoting institutional development which consequently lead to enhanced resource management and livelihoods and increased capacity to manage and reduce risks related to drought and desertification and other potential disasters. This project in Namibia has influenced several government policy instruments with on-going derivative projects. Namibia is experiencing drought and desertification which impacts the livelihoods of people living in drylands. Poverty, increasing population, urbanization, naturally variable climate, climate change, lack of community organizations, political issues and other pressures further compound the problem (UN-ISDR, 2007). The convergence of a community-level approach and city governments participation strengthens sustainability and ownership; this is the underlying assumption in one of the CBDRM projects in the Philippines. Wherein, it mainstream community-based mitigation in the city governance through partnering with the local government in the implementation of the project. The project has five (5) components, these are: (i) CBDRM participatory risk assessment training of trainers (ToT) for the city officials, who in turn provide training to communities; reactivation of the City Disaster Coordinating Council and Community Disaster Coordinating Council; institutionalization of a school Disaster Safety Day; celebration of the Disaster Safety Day in all schools; developing and implementing a City Disaster Risk Reduction Plan. This is a CBDRM project implemented in the Philippines through Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and in partnership with the city local government. The country is among countrie s with highest exposure to natural hazards, a climate hotspot and belongs to the most natural disaster prone countries (UN-ISDR, 2007). These are some of the CBDRM examples which, as we noted and apparent feature in these cases, are highly participatory in nature, engaging various stakeholders in different phases of project management as resource base, while trying to address vulnerabilities and recognizing impacts of natural hazards with the goal of strengthening community resiliency. However linking to the shortcomings of participatory development, these initiatives have, likewise, recognized challenges in the implementation of the project from the perspective of the project team, community level, and in partnering with the local government. For the part of the project organizer, it is on the project activities being time consuming which requires them to maintain efforts and demonstrate firmness, in terms of supervision and support, to ensure good quality output. For community level, it is on convincing communities on the process of participatory development and reassuring that social systems and cultures would be respected; motivating community members and elaborating the benefits they can derive from the project; maintaining community consensus and achieving behavioral change; ensuring and keeping up community participation throughout the project period through motivation; and enhancing or broadening community members local knowledge to enable a more participa tory assessment. Moreover, the political and administrative culture such as top-down approach and government-led planning affecting project implementation; while support both from the local government and the community for long-term sustainability (UN-ISDR, 2007). The last part allows us to step back from the purpose of this study, summarizing the arguments and concluding whether CBDRM is an effective approach to climate change adaptation. Likewise, it will give us some ideas where the study can have wider implications for possible future focus of research.